First Name
Last Name
Describe your CURRENT style.
Describe the style you ASPIRE to have.
If you need some help, here are a few broad classifications: classic, vintage, sporty, retro, boho, avante-garde, modern, tomboy, edgy, ecclectic, chic...
Compare your previous two answers. Are they similar or different? If they are different, what is prohibiting you from having your aspirational style?
Tell me your biggest style/wardrobe/fashion grievances. What isn't working for you?
How do you wish to look AND feel in your clothing?
What colors do you love to wear?
Are you strongly opposed to wearing specific colors? What are they?
What is your go-to neutral?
If you have multiples, check all that apply.
Army Green
Which patterns do you like to wear?
Check all that apply.
Graphic prints
Motifs (ie. stars, cats, snakes, plants, seashells, etc.)
Animal prints
Abstract prints
Geometric prints
I only wear solids!
Tell me about your favorite item in your closet. How do you style it?
Do you like to accessorize? If so, what is your favorite accessory?
Do you know your body type?
What items are considered an 'essential' or 'must-have' in your closet?
When you walk into a crowded room, what do you prefer to do?
Blend in.
Exude power and confidence.
Be the friendliest, funniest, most approachable and animated person in the room.
Appear cool, natural, and easygoing.
Make every head turn and look - I want to make a statement!
What are some things you feel you need to do to your body or clothes in order to feel more presentable?
In regards to your style, what would you say is "you", and what would you say is "not you"?
When do you feel the most attractive?
Were you ever given a present of clothing or jewelry that especially touched you, or that you still own and that holds sentimental value?
Do you remember a time in your life when you dressed differently from how you do now? What changed?
Looking back at your clothing purchases over the past 5-10 years, can you generalize about what sorts of things were the most valuable to buy?
Tell me about something in your closet that you keep but never wear. What is it, why don't you wear it, and why do you keep it?
What are some things you admire about how other women present themselves?
What item of clothing are you still (or have you forever been) on the hunt for?
When you see yourself in photos, what do you think?
With whom do you talk about clothes/style/trends/fashion?
What was the first "investment" item you bought? Do you still own or wear it?
Have you ever splurged on yourself with an item you just "had to have"? What was the item? Do you still wear it? Do you have any buyers remorse or lingering guilt about how much you spent?
If you had to throw out all your clothes and were allowed to keep one thing, what would you keep and why?
Quality or quantity?
I value both equally.
Which of these do you consider most when buying an item of clothing?
Select your top 3-4.
Ethically made
Locally sourced/shopped
Fabric Content/Textile
What aspects of your style or wardrobe are you most excited about tackling?
What influences your style and the way you dress?
ie. Art, celebrities, culture, history, magazines, social media, color, trend...
Who are your style icons?
Think of people you know personally, celebrities, movie/television characters, influencers, public figures, etc.
List your favorite fashion designers. What draws you to their brand/designs?
Share a few of your favorite Instagram accounts to follow.
What is your favorite season?
Do you have a favorite music genre or artist that you listen to?
Where is/was your favorite place to travel to or vacation? Why?
List a few of your favorite things.
Describe your personality. How would your best friend, spouse, or family member describe you?
Tell me about your life. What do you spend the majority of your time doing?
Tell me about your career.
What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends or when you have time off?
What are your hobbies or interests?
What is your go-to work "uniform"?
What is your go-to weekend "uniform"?
Do you attend social events? How frequently?
Where do you shop?
How often do you shop?
As needed
I'm constantly browsing/shopping!
How often does your shopping lead to a purchase?
Never. I can never find something that fits or that I like.
Once in a while I'll come across something.
About half the time.
Every time!
How much time and effort do you put into getting dressed right now?
I give it little to no thought. Just grab and go.
Too much time. I stand and stare at my options for a good while until I just choose something out of decision fatigue or lack of time.
I dedicate a healthy amount of time to getting dressed, and enjoy the process and time it takes overall.
Have you determined how much money you want to spend on your new wardrobe?
Don't worry - we will discuss this more at your consultation.
Yes. I have determined an exact number that I wish to stick to.
I have an estimate - I'm flexible.
No. I am at a loss and will need your guidance.
I have not yet thought about my clothing budget.
How would you classify your budget?
Check all that apply.
Low - I'm a budget shopper and only shop for inexpensive items.
Moderate - I'm a high-low shopper. I have a lot of lower end, budget items but I will also occasionally splurge on high end pieces.
Better - I invest in my clothes and the majority of my wardrobe consists of well made, contemporary/designer goods.
Luxury - I have an extensive budget and buy what I love at whatever cost. and only buy quality, designer items.
Please share any other information that you think I need to know.